Sunday, June 20, 2010

A hard two weeks,Summer Activities

Well ever since my daughter had her mole removed from the bottom of her foot, it has been hard on me. It started on the Friday June 4th. I took her to the Dermatologist to have a mole on the bottom of her foot removed. It was deeper then even the Doctor knew. We later found out that it was not cancerous, but that it needed to come out because it went so deep. She still has the stitches in her foot and it is Father's Day June 20th. She can walk with the stitches in, so that is better than before. It brought me back to the time I had surgerys back to back that kept me on crutches for a whole year. (Not Fun) I tended to my daughter and the baby on Monday June 7th. Our other Grandma tended to the grandson at my daughter's house. On Tues. June 8th thru the 10th I tended the baby everyday, and the other grandma tended the grandson during that time. My daughter returned to work to do her job. On Friday June 11 we did what we did on Monday. It was hard on everyone including the husband. The following week I started on Sunday evening with what I would call a sinus infection gone into a allergic reaction. I had that thing till Thurs, while I tended the granddaughter(baby) thru Thurs. It was hard on me because I was needing to sleep. The baby cryed real tears everytime I sneezed. I felt so sorry for her. I could not help it. I missed my weekly meeting about writing my history. I haven't exercised in three weeks. My goal to be down to 150 by my birthday is no longer possible. I'm hoping my daughter's foot is on the mend, and I can get back to my work outs and my weight loss program. Today is Father's Day and it is my first Father's Day without my father. It's getting more sad as I write. On a brighter note the weather has finally decided to become Summer. YEA! A week ago we had the furnace on, but today it's just beautiful out. My summer is becoming more busy as I look at my calender and realize all the things I need to do. I hope to keep up with everything. I'm feeling better, and hope to be able to stay healthy and on top of things. My cousin called. He is coming to see us in two weeks.

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