Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Log of My Scripture Studies Chapter 1 And 2

I have a tendency to lose my notebooks, or to run out of paper. I don't want to lose my work, so I'm going to type it and keep it safe.
Chapter 1
28. What 2 visions of Lehi's does Nephi relate in this chapter (vs 6-16) There came a pillar vision Heavens opened he thought he saw God sitting on his throne surrounded with numberless concourses of angels in the attitude of singing & praising their God. He saw Jesus and the 12 apostles. They gave him a book and bade Lehi to read it. He was filled with the Spirit of the Lord. He saw that Jerusalem would be destroyed many of the inhabitants thereof would perish by the sword, and many would be carried away captive into Babylon. 1. Heavens Opened, 2. Jerusalem would be destroyed

29. Into what country were many of the Jews soon to be taken captive (verse 13) Babylon

30. How does Lehi's prophesy of the destruction of Jerusalem, and of the Babylonian captivity square with the biblical history. (2nd Kings Chapter 25) Nebuchadnezzar again besieges Jerusalem--Zedekiah is captured, Jerusalem and the temple destroyed, and most of Judah carried into Babylon-- Gedaliah, left to govern the remnant, is slain-- The remnant flee to Egypt--Jehoiachin is shown favor in Babylon. It is scary what happened to the king of Jerusalem. The account was too long for me to type. If interested it's in the old testament the scriptures above.

31. Whose journal or record does Nephi use to help him clearly recall and accurately record details of his own early ''proceedings'' or experiences (v17) His Father Lehi. He abridged the record of his Father. Then he made an account of his own life.

32. How does the persecution that Lehi experienced compare with the treatment accorded other prophets in the Old Testaments era who prophesied of Christ? New Testament Acts 7: 51-52

Most of those prophets were put to death. Lehi was saved, and he was led out of Jerusalem by the hand of the Lord. The people of Jerusalem wanted to kill him. He and his family went into the wilderness to get away from the threats on Lehi's life.

33. Chapter 2 In my opinion, why didn't the Lord inform Lehi at first that his destination was a land of promise on the other side of the earth? My opinion is that it would have been too overwhelming. First they had to pack their provisions and leave Jerusalem. Then Lehi had to send his sons back to get the plates that was their genealogy. Then later they sent the boys back to get their wives. They had to do these things a step at a time.

34. A casual reading of verses 4 thru 6 gives one the impression that Lehi traveled from Jerusalem to the Red Sea in 3 days. A closer inspection suggests the possibility that 3 days was the length of time he traveled in the vicinity of the Red Sea(probably along the coast) after reaching it. What is the basis of this latter interpretation(Verse 5)? He came down by the borders near the shore of the Red Sea; they traveled in the wilderness in the borders which are nearer the Red Sea.

35. What Hebrew custom did Lehi conform to shortly after pitching his tent at his Red Sea camp site(V7) Chapter 2 He built an alter of stones and made an offering unto the Lord, and gave thanks unto the Lord Our God.

36. In the highly significant and far reaching revelation that comprises verses 19-24 what did Nephi learn, first of all, was the reason for the Lord's blessing him with a direct answer to his prayer(V 19) Nephi had faith and was humble. If he kept the commandments he would prosper and would be led to the land of promise.

37. What did the Lord tell Nephi was the condition upon which he would prosper(v20)? Keep the Lords Commandments.

38. Lehi had been told by the Lord simply to get out of Jerusalem because his life was in danger. What larger purpose did the Lord now unfold to Nephi (v20) They would be led to a land of promise.

39. In what glowing words did the LORD describe the ''land of promise? (verse 20) Choice above all other lands.

40. What was to be the fate of Nephi's brothers if they rebelled against him? (verse 21) They will be cut off from the presence of the LORD.

41. In early Hebrew society the eldest son usually succeeded his father in family leadership. How was this custom to be reversed in the case of Nephi and his brothers? (verse 22)

If the brothers were to Keep the Commandments they could take the leadership, but if they were not going to Keep the Commandments their younger brother Nephi would be a ruler and a teacher over them.

42.Upon what condition alone would be the descendants of Nephi's brothers ever have power over Nephi's descendants ? (v23) For behold, in that day that they shall rebel against me, I will curse them even with a sore curse, and they shall have no power over thy seed except they shall rebel against me also.

43. In my opinion what elements of the revelation comprising are of present day value to the people of America and the world? (v19-24) If we keep the Lord's commandments we will prosper if not we will be cut off, and bad things will happen to us.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Mother gave her love to us by making our clothes

I'm just learning how to write stories. I'm really not a story teller, but I am trying. In my last weeks class we were to write about the clothes we wore when we were young. I called my mother to ask how she got started in making clothes for me. Here is what she wrote back to me, and then I added what I could remember.

I have always loved clothes and since I came from a poor family and my Mom wasn't that much into fashion, I taught myself early to sew or remodel an existing piece of clothing.

When I was about eight years old our neighbors the Shoes had relatives in Chicago with a daughter just older than me. They sent her discarded clothes to the Shoes who gave them to me. Needless to say, they seldom were in style in our little town, so I took it upon myself to remodel them to suit my style. I seldom succeeded, but I learned a lot in the effort.

When I was 12 or 13 I joined 4-H and learned to sew, even taking some awards for my creations. One of the first was a pink and white polka dot dress that won me a blue ribbon in the fair and a trophy in the fashion show. Learning to sew the right way was not easy. It seemed that I spent much of my time picking out seams that were not straight or trying for the ''just right'' fit.
I took sewing in high school and also at BYU Academy. It just seemed to be a passion with me.

When I was a young mother the county extension office offered sewing lesson, using the Bishop method, to the ward in our stake. Each ward was to send two sisters to the lessons and then they were to give the classes to the sisters in their ward. I was chosen as one from our ward to take and then teach the classes. I learned so much from this experience. It is one thing to sew for yourself, but quite another to teach someone else how to measure, cut, sew and fit. As it turned out the classes were so successful that two other levels of classes were offered: a better dress class and tailoring. I took and taught them also.

In my younger days I sewed nearly all of my own clothes and clothes for my children, including coats and jeans. Now I don't sew so much anymore except to make the new-born kits for The Humanitarian Services.

Here's my part of the story.
I remember I had clothes in first grade that my mother made for me. She not only made them for the 3 girls in our family, but she made her own clothes. I loved my clothes. I had handmade clothes made with love from first grade all the way through high school, and my mother even designed and made my wedding gown.

We would gather together around the Christmas tree the night before Christmas. We would read the Christmas story about the new baby Jesus. After that we each got to open our present. Our gift was made by our mother. It was a tradition of ours every year. Our mother made us all new pajamas made out of flannel. The boys got "PJ's, and the girls received beautiful nightgowns trimmed with cotton eyelet lace. They were so soft to put on and to sleep in. When we woke up on Christmas day, we would sit around the Christmas tree with the colorful lights glowing and open presents in our new soft pajamas or nightgowns. I think my father was the only one who had his purchased. All my dresses from First Grade to Senior High were handmade. There were some memorable ones. My mom made me a coat also in first grade. She made us shorts for summer, and blouses. Later when T-shirt material came out she made us T-shirts. She even made levis for us.
On Easter weekend we each got beautiful colorful new dresses.

When I entered Junior High, there were dances at school and at the Stake Center for church. We always needed to dress up. My mom made some beautiful gowns for me during these years. In 8th grade when I turned 14. I needed to go to the Stake Center for church dances. My mom made the dresses for my Aunt's wedding reception. Later she revised that dress for me to wear to the Stake Dance. The dress was light blue velveteen. It was really soft and luxurious. It had an empire waistline, a round neck with sleeves and a zipper in the back. We had white furry hand warmers. My junior prom dress was light blue dress with white flowers that were like flocking or velvet on the outside. She made the dress long. It had an empire waistline. She put a Fuchsia colored velvet ribbon around the empire waistline.

Something really embarrassing happened when I wore it for the first time on a date to the Junior Prom. When we got to school the girls usually ended up in the girl's bathroom. We would always make sure our hair looked good for our dates. I happened to need to go to the bathroom. My ribbon on the dress was tied in the back. When I sat down on the toilet, my ribbon fell in the toilet and got all wet. I was so embarrassed. I was probably crying. What was I to do? Some girls helped me wash the ribbon, and we got the ribbon as dry as we could get it. So I wouldn't have that happen again, we turned the ribbon around to the front of the dress. I just tried not to think about it. I can't remember if I told my date or not. It would have been totally embarrassing if I did. I'll always remember that incident, and I try never to wear ribbons or material that tie in the back.

My Senior Prom dress was so beautiful. I believe it was a color between Fuchsia and Maroon. It was similar in style to the Junior Prom dress only it didn't have a tie. The most beautiful part of this dress was it had gold braid mixed in the gold braid were small sequins and beads going around the waist and around the sleeves. The sleeves were long. I don't know why I don't have a picture of it. It was a very beautiful dress. My mother purchased me some matching slippers that were dressy to go with the dress. I remember another dress that my mom made for me. It was very colorful with Royal Blue, Fuchsia and Purple colors throughout the dress. It was long, and had a square neck with long sleeves, and zipper in the back.

My mother made me a quilt for college my last Christmas home. The quilt was a patchwork tied quilt with blocks of my dress material in it from way back in first grade. I sure cherished that quilt for many years.

My wedding dress was the ultimate beautiful dress. It was magnificent. It's too bad, that I can't fit into it anymore. It was white with white sheer material on top. The lace is a brocade type. She put some lace on the shoulder sleeve area. It has beautiful long sleeves the buttons are covered with satin material going down the sleeves. The sleeve opens with velcro. The long skirt has a gathered skirt towards the bottom. It has the beautiful lace going around the bottom of the dress by the ruffle. The dress has a zipper in the back. I miss my mother's sewing. She doesn't sew that much anymore. It is too bad because my memories of her sewing were memorable. I loved the end product which was made with tender loving care and plenty of love.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Me 40 Pounds Lighter

I've improved tremendously in the past two years. I have been working out on a daily basis. I used to be size 22. I'm a size medium now. My workouts consist of either swimming, walking on treadmill, and I work out on a sit down elliptical. I follow the aerobics up with lifting weights. My Physical Therapists help stretch me out. I had a fall four years ago. I've had pain ever since. My Orthopaedic Surgeon told me I had to lose weight. What was I to do? I could not even walk when he told me that. My Therapist told me he'd help me. I even changed my diet in a dramatic way. I'll be telling more on how I eat later.

Picture of me having lost 40 pounds

Two Favorite Recess Games

Two of my favorite activities that I enjoyed doing when I was in grade school, was jumping rope and roller-skating. I was the best in my grade school at hot peppers. Every day at recess when I wasn't roller-skating, I was jumping rope. If you wanted to play you needed to start by turning the rope at one of the ends. Then who ever missed a jump when they jumped the rope would move to the next spot. A person would get two turns turning the rope before they got to jump. We might of gotten two misses when we jumped the rope.

One of the games was called under-waters. The rope was sent back and forth on the ground. Later the rope went over our heads, and we would jump before it got to our feet.

One game was called high waters. The rope was off the ground, and we had to jump high off the ground without missing. My favorite game was called hot-peppers. The children turning the rope would turn it as fast as they could. The person jumping would jump as fast as they could.

One of the little sayings we said while we were jumping went something like this. Down by the ocean down by the sea. Johnny broke a bottle and blamed it onto me. I told Ma, Ma told Pa. Johnny got a licking ha! ha! ha! How many lickings did he get? 1,2,3,4 etc. till we missed a jump.

My favorite game of all was double-dutch. This was with two ropes at the same time. Two children would turn two ropes at the same time. There were several other games I remember playing in grade school that I would like to mention. Some of these games were hopscotch, jacks, marbles, tether ball. There were the monkey bars, swings and slides. Tug of war was with a rope several children on either end. They had a mark on the ground. Whoever pulled the other team over the mark that team won, Red Rover Red Rover this game had two teams. We held hands. Each team would take a turn they would say Red Rover Red Rover send Johnny right over. Johnny would start running as fast as he could and try to break the hand chain. If he got thru he was able to bring someone back with him to his side, and they would be on Johnny's team. Then the other side would get a turn. It was a fun game. Later we were not allowed to play the game because there were injuries from that game. There could of been many more games we played as a children, but it has been so long I can't remember them.

My Story About Roller-Skating When I Was A Child

I'm just a beginner writing down experiences of my childhood days. Maybe someday it will get better. I grew up on a dairy farm in rural Idaho. The games we would play were done at our elementary school. I recollect the school was on a hill, and I had to ride a school bus for a while to get there. Keep in mind I looked forward to recess, I recall that time of day was especially fun. I was permitted to bring my own roller-skates to school. I had a pair of silver roller-skates. I didn't have the kind of skates that rode smoothly, or the kind that you took your shoes off for. My skates were the kind you slipped your shoes into them. Up near the top of my brown saddle shoes there were these shoe fasteners that were on my skates that held onto the soles of my shoes. I used my skate key that was on a ribbon that was tied in the back which I wore my skate key around my neck. I used my skate key to tighten and loosen the skates. I could easily turn my skates over and use my skate key to make the skates larger when my foot grew. I remember there was a brown leather strap that buckled over the top of my shoes near my ankle. The wheels were made of steel. I think my parents invested wisely with these skates. Not only was I able to use them for three years, but I'm sure my siblings used them also.

The sidewalk went around the entire school. The school was laid out in a rectangular shape. I remember it wasn't smooth sailing, when I got the skates on either. The sidewalk had big gaps in it. There were no parts of the sidewalk that was level. It was hard to maneuver when you came to those parts. I ended up falling on my knees a lot. I probably went through all the school nurses band-aids. I think it took too long to go clear around the school, so I just went around the 1st 2nd and 3rd grade areas. I had a lot of fun roller-skating even with the bumps, bruises, and the bleeding.

My Story About Roller-

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Goals and Many Projects to do

I went to a writing class last night. I'm going to be writing about my early years. This is a pretty good place to post these things. My blog is mostly for my posterity and my remembrance.

Today marks the 6th month to the day when the doctors took my father off of Chemo. His passing went way to fast for me. I'm just now feeling the pain and loss. I guess we all have to go thru mourning for our loved ones.

I'll be posting my weight loss successes. It's mainly for me. I want a record of this. It has been a journey. I weighed a whopping 220 pounds way back in 2001. Today I weigh 167 pounds. I've learned a lot over the past two years. If you count from 2001 I have lost 53 pounds. I only just started this weight loss journey two years ago. To date I have lost 40 pounds give or take a pound. I have lost a 40 pound bag of softwater salts. It is so heavy I can not lift it. I have one more bag plus 10 to go.

I'm studying math. I reviewed fractions today.

I was so excited to get a job, but alas the economy is so bad that I probably won't get one.

This post will be a hodge podge full of different things I'm doing.

I haven't even mentioned that I was supposed to start my quilt. It's really hard to do it all.

I did get up early this morning to exercise. I'm hoping to lose 1 pound a week. We'll see tomorrow if that is possible.

Records Ancient and Modern

I'm doing a study of The Book of Mormon this year. It amazes me how many times I've read the book, and yet each time I read the book I learn more things. In just the 1st Chapter, I found out that Nephi started the record 569 years before Christ was born. Nephi pays tribute to both of his parents, but he gives credit for his education to his father. Nephi wrote the scriptures in reformed Egyptian. If the plates were larger he would have written them in Hebrew. Nephi talks of The King of Babylon. The story is found in 2nd Kings in the Old Testament. According to history, a King takes over Jerusalem, and many people are held captive, or killed. Jerusalem is destroyed. It is a good thing Lehi and his family leave Jerusalem, so that we can have the histroy of The Book of Mormon. Years ago when I had to be bedridden for a year, I studied The
Book of Mormon from my bed. I remember reading and studying the first two books of Nephi. When Nephi got old and passed away, I remember crying my eyes out. It was like I lost a friend, or a family member who had passed away. The people of that time kept their records on gold plates. We today keep records of what goes on in our lives either by blogging, or keeping a journal, or by scrapbooking.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Remembrance of my Father

Our daughter had just had our second grandchild on Thanksgiving. I was able to visit them in the hospital on Fri and Sat. On Sunday I got up a little bit late to eat breakfast around 10am when the phone rang, and it was my brother. He said our father was not responding. The doctors had taken him off of Chemo about half way thru the month, and they told him that it wasn't working. Now before I could even get there to see my father he was in a coma like state. The Hospice nurse told my brother our father would be dead within 24 hours. I was planning on going to see them on Monday, but I felt the urgency to finish packing. I found a friend in our church to play the piano for me that day. I remembered to bring a dress. I was somewhat worried to drive that day because it was a holiday weekend. I was blessed because all of the traffic was on the other side of the highway. I said a prayer to help me get there safely. I arrived around 3p.m. When I came over to the chair my dad was sleeping in, his eyes were shut. He could not talk to me. His breathing was rapid, and he had a high fever of 104*. I could not tell if he could hear me. I held his hand, and I squeezed it a bit. He squeezed my hand back. I told him that I was there, and that I loved him. I told him that my family loved him too. My brother and his wife were there when I arrived. My youngest brother came later. My youngest brother could not believe our dad was like that because just the night before he spoke to him. He joked around with him. He said he was there to take him to his golf tournament. Dad said he wished he could go, and then he laughed. My youngest brother came closer to our dad's chair he leaned on the chair, and our dad woke up briefly. We all gathered around him. We gave him water. I showed him pictures of the baby, and pictures of me. We tried to keep him awake, but he went back to sleep, and we could not get him to wake up again. We were all crying. We wanted so much to tell him goodbye. Our mom told how the day had started out. She had fixed him breakfast. She got him in the wheelchair and took him to the table. She was helping him with his medications when he got all agitated and disorientated. She tryed to get him back into his chair by herself, and found she couldn't. She called my brother, and they couldn't get him in. She called her Bishop, and he sent her neighbor to help. Our dad was in so much agony of pain that it was near impossible to get him in the rocker recliner chair. My youngest brother called the hospice nurse to see what things could be done. She said that there was nothing. He wanted to know if our dad could have a IV for fluids. She advised that he not have that because it would make things worse. She came by to give us counsel. She told us what to look for when it got closer to the end. Our other brother who lives far away couldn't be there, but he is the oldest brother. He was on the phone talking to the Hospice nurse. We were all gathered in the front room listening. My brother on the phone offered a blessing of prayer for my dad. It's a prayer given to those who are at the end of their life. It was a prayer to God to release our dad from his life. It was the hardest prayer my brother ever had to offer. It was truely a spiritual moment. After the prayer we said goodbye to our brother, and we went back into the room where our father was. The nurse checked his vitals. She showed us how to use those sponge suckers to get fluid into him. Our father started choking, so we never tryed it again. We put lip gloss on him for dry lips. I stayed up as long as I could. My mom said she would be with our dad that night. During the night I woke up, and I could not get back to sleep. I went into check on him, and I was hearing a rattling sound. I asked my mother what that sound was. My mother told me it was the lungs filling up with fluid. I sat down by his chair, and held his hand the rest of the night. My mom tried to get some sleep, but she could not sleep. My dad sounded terrible. His breathing was so labored. It is an awful sound. When I squeezed his hand, he did not respond. I stayed close to my fathers chair. I held his hand the whole day. I wanted to sing him a song. God Be With You Till We Meet Again, but I choked up. I could not sing or even say the words. I went to the piano to play the Hymn for him on the piano. When I was done with that, I returned to hold his hand. My father's pulse was rapid, and his hands were so hot. I put lotion on them, and it evaporated quickly. The sound of my father's breathing was so hard for me to listen too. At the end, a lot of fluid and flem came up dad choked, the lungs filled up at that moment. Dad tried to take another breath, but he could not breath. He tryed to take another breath and his breathing was stopped abruptly, his heart stopped beating at 3:57 p.m. After he had passed away it was quiet. I told him that I loved him in case he could hear me now. I was looking at his peaceful face, and I noticed there was a tear in his eye. When I told the others we all started crying again. I think he was trying to say he didn't want to go, and that he loved all of us dearly. I am so thankful that I could be with him till the end.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

My Grandkids

Here is a picture of my 2 grandkids; Liam and Rowan...I love this picture!