Chapter 5
55. Lord Kingsbourough found that many American Indian groups were acquainted with early biblical events. What record provided their forefathers with such data(v10)? The plates of brass kept by Laban and brought to them by Nephi.
56. What did the Brass Plates of Laban contain vs(11-14)? They contained the 5 books of Moses which gave the account of the creation of the world and also of Adam and Eve who were our first parents. Record of the Jews from, the beginning even down to the commencement of the reign of Zedikiah King of Judah; Prophecies spoken of Jeremiah, genealogy of his fathers. He knew he was a descendant of Joseph the son of Jacob. Laban was also a descendant of Joseph. He and his fathers kept the records.
57. The Brass Plates of Laban- as also the records kept by Nephi and his descendants in the New World-dealt with the descendants of which of Jacobs sons(verse 14)? Joseph who had the coat of many colors.
58. What did Lehi prophesy concerning the Brass Plates of Laban vs(17-19)? He prophesied about his seed. Plates of brass should go forth unto all nations kindreds, tongues and people who were his seed. They will never perish will not be dimmed by time. They are of great worth unto them, preserve the commandments of the Lord unto our children. Wisdom in the Lord that they should carry them with them in the wilderness towards the land of promise.
Chapter 6
59. Nephi did not write the small Plates of Nephi for the purpose of offering people a textbook of history or archaeology or anthropology or geography. What did he say was the ''the fullness'' of his ''intent''; his real purpose for writing (Verse 4)? His intent is that he may persuade men to come unto the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob and be saved.
60. What kind of quality of reader did Nephi know his writings would not please, and what kind did he know they would please (verse 5)? He was writing things that were pleasing unto God and people who were not of the world.
61. In my opinion(in connection with verse 5) would it be correct to say. ''The Book of Mormon is not on trial: the world is''? Compare with 2nd Nephi 25:22, 2 Nephi 33:14-15 and
3rd Nephi 26:6-11 especially verse 11. In these other scriptures it states that the world is on trial. We will be judged according to Nephi's words which are from God. It's very strong and we need to heed God's warnings.
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